Level design : Melodic Garden & Flooded Ruins
I was the level design and product owner of the Mario + Rabbids : Sparks of Hope DLC2, The Last Spark Hunter, released in 2023. The game has been in co-development with Ubisoft Milan and Ubisoft Chengdu, with the support of the Ubisoft Pune QA team and featured a brand new quest in a lush, biophonic world that had mysteriously gone quiet.
Arrival on the Melodic Gardens (Jungle)
View of the water-filled area
I was in charge of upholding the creative vision both in game and level design decisions in between the three-studios. Contrary to the other areas of the base game, the intention was now to have a much more linear world that contains a medium semi-open area centered around maritime navigation (the Flooded ruins) that I designed and implemented.
The Flooded Ruins
The Flooded Ruins
Core intention : Design a space centered around boat & land navigation
Main objective : Destroyed the three cages holding the musical animals
Flooded Ruins Map
Side content is also present here and there, but this region has three main puzzles to solve : North in the scattered islands, East by the Door, and West within the enclosed space. Players come from the South Door.
The central island, with a merchant, is a hub, with a quest giver and the final battle of the region taking place once all puzzles have been completed.
View on arriving to the Flooded Ruins with the landmark indicating the central island
Other side of the hub from the rocky peaks
Puzzle 1 : The Labyrinth
A vast, secluded and bulky puzzle designed around an exotic ingredient : the rising walls.
They are unnoticeable before rising from the ground when a character approaches, making them both obstacles (when on the lower level) and platforms between columns (when on upper level)
View of the labyrinth, courtesy of my level artist colleague Sun Qing Liang
Entrance to the labyrinth
A two-floors based labyrinth centered around rising walls
Rising walls : Unpredictable obstacles when down
Rising walls : Unpredictable bridges when up
Puzzle 2 : Canon Mayhem
The second mandatory puzzle is played on the highest rocky peaks of the maps, creating memorable vistas thanks to verticality. The space is very fragmented and the player needs to use the multiple canons to launch their characters onto unaccessible areas and change the navigation layout using switches and invisible bridges to get to the end.
View of the rock peaks, courtesy of my level artist colleague Sun Qing Liang
Central part of the rocky peaks
Cannons & verticality
Example of other navigation ingredients weaved into the cannon-centric design
Hightened views allowing for vistas
Down the vista
Puzzle 3 : Dubious islands
The third puzzle is on two different ground : a sandy shore and a rocky island. The focus is heavy on the scan feature, that allows players to reveal invisible items.
Here, players need to find a key to unlock Melodic plants and complete the puzzle. I put the key in an adjacent island, that seems to be totally empty while it’s actually full of invisible ingredients, creating a twist on the feature and showering the players with rewards (currency, navigation elements, puzzles elements …) that are revealed as long as they press a button before the classical puzzle solving.
Melodic plants necessary to progress are locked by barriers needing a key
Players look for invisible items using their related ability
Leading them to an apparently empty island …that hides many invisible ingredients
Puzzle 1 [Labyrinth] : 5:32 to 14:11
Puzzle 2 [Canon Mayhem] 17:39 to 23:04
Puzzle 3 [Dubious islands] 24:47 to 31:54
Streamer : HyperKirby58
Beside the intense work on the Flooded Ruins, I also did implementation of puzzles realized by other designers and collaborative blockouts, supervision of quests and iterations and advices on various areas of the map and took part in various design meeting to be sure the intentions were respected.
Implementation of puzzles realized in dojo by another LD
Supervision & iteration of the first, linear area of the world
Collaborative blockout for the final area.